Friday 12th July 2024


Our room was air conditoned but the device was right above our bed so it was impossible to sleep with it turned on.
Instead we opened the balcony door.
When the sun rose we ( that is I because Lone sleeps with ear plugs - she claims that I snore) were woken by a pigeon which sat on the bannister cooing and making a lot of noise.

We returned the car thursday evening so the next two days were dedicated to the pool and the ocean.
On the corner of our road was El Greco. They served the best Gyros Pita we had the whole week.
In the afternoon I found some time to work on the theatre play that Lone, I and a couple more are going to direct at our amateur theatre Silkeborg New Theatre this autumn.
For dinner we want back to taverna La Corte and had another round of lamb shank.
The waiter recognized us and we had a long talk. He told us that he was one of the "heroes" who stayed on the island in the winter time.
When we went to town we saw a small area with chickens and a couple of sheep.
They were still there when we walked home. I baaahh'ed a little together with the sheep. I don't know what the baahh'ing meant but suddenly one of the sheep jumped over the fence and began grazing there.
The first days there was so much wind that we couldn't sit on our balcony. But now we could.
We played Yatzee - but first we had to find a way of getting light so we could see. We succeded by putting a flash light in a pot held by the lid.
There was a lamp on the balcony but it was one of the typical Greek lamps with a lot of light..

